Before construction, on left, and after on right
Thanks to Robert Rensel for providing the images and text for this blog entry. For more images, go to the THI website:
Transitional Housing, Inc. is a 62-unit facility in Cleveland, OH that provides temporary housing for women who have been homeless. Its mission is to provide a safe living environment while the women can work on and overcome the challenges that led to their homelessness.
The Serenity Garden
The design was finished in the spring of 2006. Plants were selected based on their soothing fragrances, appearances and textures. The sound of trickling water in the fountain adds to the serenity of the garden. The layout preserves a beautiful view of the city skyline. The hardscape was completed in the fall and the woody plants went in before year end. Perennials were planted in April and planter boxes and annuals are slated for June. A mural for the wall behind the fountain is being designed by the residents.
This is a terrific collaboration between a local garden club and a social service agency. Garden club members have an on-going commitment to work with the residents to maintain the garden. Women who are working to rebuild their lives now have a respite area in which they can find peace and healing. The quote going up on the dedication plaque says it all:
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God’s heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney