‘Healing Landscapes’ is this year’s topic at Cleveland Botanical Garden’s Sustainability Symposium

Cleveland Botanical Garden Sustainability Symposium 2011

Next weekend, on Friday and Saturday February 4-5, the Cleveland Botanical Garden will hold it’s 6th annual Sustainability Symposium, and the topic this year is “Healing Spaces.” The Symposium, geared toward landscape professionals and home gardeners, will feature an action-packed and continuing-education-credit-filled roster of speakers.

Friday’s keynote speaker is renowned landscape architect David Kamp, founding principal of Dirtworks Landscape Architecture, PC. David will speak about “Collaboration in the Garden: Creating Restorative Environments.” David/Dirtworks designed the beautiful and Elizabeth and Nona Evans Restorative Garden at the CBG, and I’m sure he will talk about the design process in his keynote address. Dirtworks, based in New York City, is a member of the TLN’s Designers and Consultants Directory.

Saturday’s keynote speaker is Naomi Sachs, founding Director of the Therapeutic Landscapes Network and principal at Naomi Sachs Design. The title of her (my) talk is “Green Healing: Landscapes for Health and Well-Being.”

Other speakers for Friday and Saturday (see program for details) include

  • Landscape artist David Slawson on “The Art of Evoking the Natural World in Restorative Gardens.”
  • Cleveland Botanical Garden Glasshouse Specialist Joe Mehalik on “Water in the Garden.”
  • Western Reserve Herb Society’s Carolyn Borsini on “Sustaining Ourselves and Others with Herbs.”
  • Cleveland Botanical Garden Director of Horticulture Cynthia Druckenbrod on “Bringing Butterflies to Your Yard.”
  • Amy Roskilly, Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District Conservation Education Coordinator, on “Rain Gardens as Environmental Protection.”
  • And a member of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority on “Planting a Vision, Growing a Community: the Future of Public Housing.”

Hope to see you there!