The Children’s Garden at Legacy Health, Portland, Oregon
Gardens in Healthcare: Rehabilitation, Recovery, and Restoration
Friday, Sept 21, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Lorenzen Center
Portland, OR
Dr. Roger Ulrich, a behavioral scientist who is widely known for his research on the impacts of healthcare facilities on medical outcomes, will be the keynote speaker for a one-day conference on Friday, September 21, at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center (Portland, OR). Ulrich and others will address the use of gardens in healthcare settings to promote better outcomes for patients, improved effectiveness for staff and a safer care environment for both.
A large and growing body of evidence indicates that the physical environment impacts patient stress, patient and staff safety, staff effectiveness, and the quality of care provided in healthcare settings. Increasingly, healthcare design is guided by rigorous research linking the physical environment of hospitals to patient and staff outcomes. Like “evidence-based medicine,” where clinical choices are informed by research, healthcare design, too, is being guided by quantitative and qualitative research. Legacy Health System in greater Portland has nearly a dozen healing gardens between its five facilities. These gardens provide a physical space in which patients, family, and healthcare staff may use with specific and purposeful ends in mind.
The Portland conference is suited to therapists, physicians, administrators, nurses, facility staff, and design professionals. By the end of the day, attendees will be able to 1) describe three benefits of gardens for patients, families, visitors, and staff; 2) summarize two research studies to support gardens in healthcare; and 3) outline processes (strategies) to promote interdisciplinary planning, programming, and evaluation of setting-specific gardens
The registration form provides details about conference programming, fees, continuing education credits, and accommodations. For more information, contact Teresia Hazen at or 503-413-6507.
To learn more about the Legacy Health gardens visit,