From ASLA’s LAND e-news:
ASLA has released an updated version of a publication in the Landscape Architecture Technical Information Series (LATIS): the “LATIS Forum on Therapeutic Garden Design, 2nd Edition.” The paper highlights the benefits provided by therapeutic outdoor environments in a variety of settings and underscores their importance to people’s health and well-being at all stages of life.
The authors are Marni Barnes, ASLA; Jack Carman, FASLA; Nancy Carman; Nancy Chambers; Clare Cooper Marcus, Honorary ASLA; Nilda G. Cosco, Affiliate ASLA; Mark Epstein, ASLA; Sonja Johansson, FASLA; Jean Stephans Kavanagh, FASLA; Don Luymes; Patrick F. Mooney, ASLA; and Robin C. Moore, Affiliate ASLA.
In addition to updates provided by the authors, this LATIS has been evaluated for Professional Development Hours (PDH) under the guidelines of the LA CES (Landscape Architecture Continuing Education System) program. The update of this paper is part of an ongoing ASLA project to review content and reevaluate PDH of older LATIS publications. ASLA members and nonmembers can download LATIS papers at no charge from the ASLA website. Download is free for members [and the fee for non-members is $50] ; members and nonmembers pay a small fee to take an exam and receive PDH credit for each LATIS read.
Click on the ASLA LATIS page to download the publication.
As a teaser, here’s the Table of Contents:
PART ONE: Therapeutic Gardens in Healthcare Settings
- A Thumbnail History of Therapeutic Gardens in Healthcare
- The Role of Gardens in the Therapeutic Milieu of Healthcare Facilities
- Gardens in Acute Care Settings: Principles and Practice
- A Children’s PlayGarden at a Rehabilitation Hospital: A Successful Collaboration Produces a Successful Outcome
PART TWO: Environmental Sources of Wellbeing
- Therapeutic Landscapes in the Public Realm: Foundations for Vancouver’s Wellness Walkways
- Well-being by Nature: Therapeutic Gardens for Children
- Therapeutic Gardens in Assisted Living Communities
- The Power of Landscapes