A bouquet of tulips for all of our supporters. Photo by Henry Domke
If you’re reading this blog, then you’re probably familiar with the Therapeutic Landscapes Network and our mission to “provide information, free of charge, about gardens and landscapes that promote health and well-being.”
As the TLN’s founder, director, and author of this blog, I have to say, I love my job. It’s incredibly rewarding to connect with people who care deeply about the restorative benefits of nature. And there are so many of us, from individuals to design firms to hospital doctors, nurses, and administrators. It’s exciting to be a part of something I care about so deeply.
If you like what we do, here are some ways you can show it:
Donate! – Your donations really, really help. We’re deeply committed to keeping access to the information we provide free and available to everyone. That doesn’t just happen on its own. Just like with public radio, if you benefit from what we provide, please make a donation so that we can continue to provide it. No donation is too small; they are not (yet!) tax-deductible, but you will receive many cosmic goodie points, along with the warm glow of knowing that you’re supporting an organization that’s making a difference.
Join the TLN – Become part of a growing group of like-minded people (505 and growing every day). It’s free, and only our members receive our monthly newsletter. Members also get discounts on things like the Access to Nature for Older Adults DVD seriess
Become a “fan” on Facebook – We now have over 700 members! This is a great way to connect with others and to get quick updates on news, links, and upcoming events. We also have over 2,500 followers on twitter, and you can join us there, too.
Buy stuff – We have a nifty store on the TLN site with things like mugs, mousepads, water bottles, t-shirts, caps, and other wearable goodies, all with our beautiful Echinacea mascot (thanks, Henry Domke, for the image).
Order Amazon books and other merchandise through our site – As an Amazon Affiliate, we receive a percentage of every sale that happens through our website. Not just books, but anything you buy from Amazon. So bookmark our site and click on the Amazon logo before you start shopping.
Spread the word! Forward our blog and newsletter, write about us on your own blog or interview us for a news story, invite us to speak at an event, suggest to friends on Facebook.
Whether you do one or all of these things, your support makes a big difference – many thanks!